
Рецензии на "Мы с Луны" 2015

Progarchives review "Just Lunatics"

There is a legend that the musicians came to us on Earth to restore a piece of star-striped textile, which earthlings have forgotten his last visit to the moon and establish cultural contacts.'In reality 'Lunar Cape' is a rock group from Russia (Moscow). 'Just Lunatics' leaves a really positive impression on first listen. Lunar Cape certainly have their own style and distinctive sound. I must say that the production of the album sounds professional. Just Lunatics is a mixture of prog with jazz influences and folk tunes. They have been clearly influenced by Gentle Giant and perhaps Frank Zappa. One thing that must be acknowledged though, is outstanding Flute work Olga Scotland. In some places music witty and funny. I recommend it highly to everyone, 4/5. nikitasv777

ProgArchive: Just Lunatics 2015

Formed in Moscow in 2011, this is the debut (and so far, only) album from progressive rock/jazz fusion instrumental outfit Lunar Cape. The line-up is Petrovsky Nikolay (Electro-Nick) on guitar, harmonica, alto recorder, Olga Scotland on flute, mandolin, alto recorder, sopranino recorder, Paul Bulak (SadFat) keyboards, guitar, sound effects, Andrey Shashkov ' bass guitar, basso recorder, Mikhail Zolotarev, drums, and Ilya Myasin ' soprano recorder. Yes, there is a lot of woodwind on here, most unlike many other bands around. Although there are times when they do come across as similar to Jethro Tull, due to the way the lead flute is being played more than anything else, they have also been clearly influenced by Gentle Giant in particular, and western Seventies prog in general. For some reason, I also kept thinking of Camel, just because of the way they approach the music, but in reality they sound nothing like them at all.


Expose online: Just Lunatics 2015

Lunar Cape is a Moscow-based instrumental progressive rock group that formed in 2011 and released their debut album Just Lunatics in 2015 on Bandcamp. They play a variety of acoustic instruments (guitars, recorders, harmonica, mandolin, etc.), keyboards, bass guitar, sound effects, and drums. The result is an album of eleven instrumental tracks that range from the beautifully bucolic to progressive jazz fusion. Flautist Olga Scotland has obviously learned from Ian Anderson as there is a strong Jethro Tull element to her playing. Several of the tracks remind me of Jade Warrior as well, especially those with Asian themes, “Motorbike” and “Chinese Road.” Lunar Cape takes us in a slightly different direction with “Cat Bite.” This track has a funky beat and sound that begins as blues rock and then morphs into something akin to Pink Floyd’s Echoes. Then there is the odd track “Dudki” that is only multi-tracked recorders and possibly Andean pan pipes. There are lots of different themes and interactions happening across the album that make for an extremely pleasant and soothing listening experience, even when the band veers into dissonance like on “Mouse Dirigible.” The band styles themselves as extra-terrestrial musicians who have come to Earth to restore a piece of star-striped fabric that we have forgotten since mankind’s last visit to the Moon. Hence the band name and album title. Our only hope is that Lunar Cape can save us by recording another album soon.

by Henry Schneider, Published 2017-07-28

Источник: Just Lunatics 2015

Что же это за смесь с безумно нелепым вкусом, что в стиле Пана блокирует блок-флейтовое существо всех зарождающих флейт и тем обучает их звучать подобно флейтам? Magnetic Moon Ольги Шотландии поляризует проггеров – на Северном полюсе, а может и полюсе кипения плавающих ледяных глыб, у любителей этой музыки под ногами от счастья плавится лед, в то время как на противоположном Южном полюсе на километровой толще обледенелой суши обитают любители хардкора, для которых подобное звучание является слишком нежным шепотком.


Progressive Music Planet: Just Lunatics

Lunar Cape - Just Lunatics

Sometimes during the course of listening to music with the intent to review it, it becomes apparent that what you are listening to just isn’t for you. It can be easy to want to simply hit eject, but the challenge of being taken out of some proverbial comfort zone can sometimes be a great way to discover new things, or at the very least challenge personal conceptions about what constitutes a “style” or sphere of music that I enjoy. I have found many great bands like this, and pushed my boundaries into styles and avenues I never thought I would travel down. When Lunar Cape’s record “Just Lunatics” came up in the review queue, I wasn’t sure what to expect, and what I ultimately got was a blend of styles that impressed with impassioned performances and general richness of sound but whose stylistic adherence also began to wear a bit thin by the time the record ends.


The Progressive Rock Files: Just Lunatics 2015

Your eyes do not deceive you, yes it says 2015 as the release date of this album by the Moscow based band Lunar Cape. It’s an album that only recently hit my email inbox and after a few listens I was sufficiently intrigued and thought you might be as well. This six-member outfit creates instrumental music that covers a wide range of influences from World Beat to Progressive Rock and everything in between. The way they describe their music is interesting. They say: Music that could be the soundtrack to the film, cartoon, video game, or a certain performance. And that really does say it all.


ProgGnosis: review on "Just Lunatics" 2015

All in all, even though Just Lunatics does feature a good varity of musical styles, the songs are mainly melodic and folklorish, but while always being spiced up by Fusion or Prog flavours, and by the presence of modern instruments. In fact, Lunar Cape does manage to produce a consistent body of music, this in good part because of their strong musicianship and excellent compositions, but also with the constant use of woodwind instruments. Just Lunatics is an original and always interesting album that revisits traditionnal music is a modern way. Cool stuff indeed!! Read more on

Рецензия на "Мы с Луны" | 2015 от журнала Rockcore

Fusion / Word Music / Инструментальная музыка
ARTBEAT 11-2015-101

Зимний месяц декабрь 2015 года обрадовал любителей необычной и лёгкой музыки дивным альбомом сказочной группы. Прозрачные и невесомые, как свет луны, композиции переливаются, журчат, льются и обволакивают свои х слушателей, погружая их в гармонию другого мира. Это воплощённая в звук сказка. Древняя ка сама природа, как само мироздание, как сама Вселенная. Мыс Луны – настоящие волшебники. Ведь кто ещё сможет заставить флейту, мандолину, губную гармошку и барабаны звучать как единое целое? Кто ещё сможет заставить их сливаться в узкий ручеёк, а затем расширяться до размеров океана, который накрывает тебя с головой.


Рецензия на "Мы с Луны" | 2015 от HeadBanger.Ru

Год: 2015
Тип: CD Album
Стиль: progressive rock / folk rock / fusion
Лейбл роcсийский: ArtBeat

Московская группа Мыс Луны была создана в 2011 году гитаристом Николаем Петровским и Ольгой Шотландией, отвечающей за различные деревянные духовые инструменты. Материал для студийной записи у музыкантов «вызревал» пять лет, и результатом этой работы стал альбом, своим названием обыгрывающий название самой группы. Эта игра слов сразу же настраивает на веселый лад: чувствуется, что музыка команды содержит немалую долю иронии. Действительно, многие вещи на диске выполнены в явно несерьезном ключе (что относится только к настроению, но никак не к технике исполнения), хотя некоторые другие задумчивы и даже немного мрачноваты. Каких-то четких жанровых рамок группа для себя не ставит, разные композиции тяготеют к разным стилям, но основа у них все же одна: инструментальный прог-рок, фолк/этника и немного джаза.
